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    Subject-verb agreement is one of the fundamental rules of grammar that every writer must master. This grammar rule states that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. That is, a singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb.

    Packet 6 is another set of rules and exercises designed to enhance your understanding of subject-verb agreement. In this article, we will discuss the essential tips in packet 6, so you can write grammatically correct sentences that will improve your readers` experience.

    1. Collective Nouns

    A collective noun refers to a group of individuals, animals, or things. Examples of collective nouns include team, family, jury, and audience. When a collective noun acts as a single unit, it takes a singular verb. When the collective noun refers to the individuals in the group, it takes a plural verb. For example:

    The team is playing well this season. (team is acting as a single unit)

    The team members are training hard for the upcoming match. (team members refer to individual players)

    2. Indefinite Pronouns

    Indefinite pronouns are words like everyone, anyone, nobody, and somebody. These pronouns are singular and take a singular verb. Examples include:

    Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

    Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.

    3. Compound Subjects

    A compound subject consists of two or more nouns joined by “and.” When the nouns refer to the same person or thing, the subject is singular, and the verb agrees in number. When the nouns refer to different persons or things, the subject is plural, and the verb agrees in number. For example:

    The car and the motorcycle are parked outside. (two different things)

    The singer and songwriter is performing live tonight. (same person, acting as a singular unit)

    4. Interjections

    Interjections are words used to express strong emotions. They do not have a grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence. Therefore, they do not affect subject-verb agreement. For example:

    Wow, that sunset is beautiful!

    The interjection “wow” does not require a verb agreement.

    5. Titles and Names

    When you use titles or names as the subject of a sentence, choose the verb that agrees with the word that follows “is” or “are.” For example:

    The president of the company is introducing a new product line. (singular verb)

    The Jones family are all attending the concert tonight. (plural verb)

    In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial to writing coherent and clear sentences. By following the tips in packet 6, you can avoid common mistakes and improve your writing skills. Remember, a well-written sentence communicates your message most effectively to your readers.