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Tenancy in Common Agreement Washington State

Tenancy in Common Agreement Washington State: An Overview

Tenancy in common is a type of real estate ownership where two or more individuals own a property together, each owning a separate share in the property. In Washington State, a tenancy in common agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of each co-owner.

If you are considering purchasing a property with one or more co-owners, it is important to understand how tenancy in common works and the key elements of a tenancy in common agreement in Washington State.

Key Elements of a Tenancy in Common Agreement

1. Ownership Shares: In a tenancy in common agreement, each co-owner is assigned an ownership share. The shares can be divided equally or based on the amount of money contributed to purchase the property.

2. Rights and Responsibilities: The agreement should outline the rights and responsibilities of each co-owner, including maintenance and repair requirements, payment of property taxes, and insurance coverage.

3. Use of the Property: Each co-owner has the right to use and occupy the property, but the agreement should also outline any restrictions on use, such as limitations on renting or subletting.

4. Sale of the Property: If one co-owner wishes to sell their share of the property, the other co-owners have the right of first refusal to purchase the share before it can be sold to an outside party.

5. Dispute Resolution: The agreement should outline the process for resolving disputes between co-owners, such as mediation or arbitration.

Advantages of a Tenancy in Common Agreement

Tenancy in common has several advantages for co-owners, including:

1. Lower Costs: Co-owning a property can be more affordable than purchasing a property individually, as the costs are shared among the co-owners.

2. Flexibility: Co-owners have the flexibility to use the property as they see fit, subject to any restrictions outlined in the agreement.

3. Investment Potential: Co-owning a property can be a good investment opportunity, as any appreciation in the property`s value is shared among the co-owners.

4. Estate Planning: Tenancy in common can be a useful estate planning tool, allowing co-owners to pass their share of the property on to their heirs.


If you are considering purchasing a property with others in Washington State, a tenancy in common agreement can help protect your investment and clarify the rights and responsibilities of each co-owner. To ensure your agreement is legally binding and comprehensive, consult with an experienced real estate attorney or a qualified legal document preparation service.